Compute descriptive statistics on a (vigibase) dataset
Understand the structure of the link
and add_*
functions (see
)This vignette uses the preloaded datasets (and a spurious suspdup table).
demo <- demo_
adr <- adr_
drug <- drug_
link <- link_
out <- out_
followup <- followup_
srce <- srce_
thg <- thg_
mp <- mp_
meddra <- meddra_
smq_list <- smq_list_
smq_content <- smq_content_
suspdup <-
UMCReportId = 1,
SuspectedduplicateReportId = NA
And preloaded drug and adr dictionaries.
demo <-
demo |>
d_code = d_drecno,
drug_data = drug
#> ℹ `.data` detected as `demo` table.
demo <-
demo |>
a_code = a_llt,
adr_data = adr
#> ℹ `.data` detected as `demo` table.
As we aim to describe drug and adr counts, but also other variables (age, sex, type of reporter), they will be added too.
You can still refer to
# Age, sex
demo <-
demo |>
age = cut(as.integer(AgeGroup),
breaks = c(0,4,5,6,7,8),
include.lowest = TRUE, right = TRUE,
labels = c("<18", "18-45","45-64", "65-74", "75+")),
sex = case_when(Gender == "1" ~ 1,
Gender == "2" ~ 2,
Gender %in% c("-","0","9") ~ NA_real_,
TRUE ~ NA_real_)
# Death + outcome availability
demo <-
demo |>
mutate(death =
ifelse(UMCReportId %in% out$UMCReportId,
UMCReportId %in%
(out |>
filter(Seriousness == "1") |>
# follow-up, seriousness
demo <-
demo |>
fup = if_else(UMCReportId %in% followup$UMCReportId, 1, 0),
serious =
UMCReportId %in% out$UMCReportId,
UMCReportId %in%
(out |>
filter(Serious == "Y") |>
# year
demo <-
demo |>
year = as.numeric(substr(FirstDateDatabase, start = 1, stop = 4))
# type of reporter
demo <-
demo |>
srce |> transmute(UMCReportId, type_reporter = Type),
by = "UMCReportId")
generates a summary of categorical
variables with 2 or more levels.
Its .data
argument is a dataset to describe. Described
variables should be passed to vf
, as a character
Let’s take the demo
dataset as an example, with variable
.data = demo,
vf = "age"
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#> var level value n_avail
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 age <18 " 1/499 (0%) " 499
#> 2 age 18-45 "43/499 (9%) " 499
#> 3 age 45-64 "173/499 (35%)" 499
#> 4 age 65-74 "174/499 (35%)" 499
#> 5 age 75+ "108/499 (22%)" 499
The output format is a data.frame
, of class
The first column, var
, contains the name of the variable
of interest. The second column, level
, contains the level
of the variable.
In this example, the first line shows the number of patients whose
age variable (var
) is “<18”, i.e. patients under 18
years old.
The percentage appears in the value
column, after the
count of cases and the total number of reports for which the information
is available.
This number of reports with available information is recalled in the
What happens when the variable has only two levels, for example 1 and 0, as is often the case for the drug and adr variables?
.data = demo,
vf = "nivolumab"
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#> var level value n_avail
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 nivolumab 0 525/750 (70%) 750
#> 2 nivolumab 1 225/750 (30%) 750
The output format is unchanged, with a data.frame as output.
The reading is unchanged: we get the count of cases of the variable nivolumab, by its two levels. There are thus 225 patients exposed to nivolumab, out of 750 reports in total, which represents 30% of patients.
Conversely, 525 reports do not mention nivolumab.
In general, when presenting the results, the level 0 of binary variables provides little information and can be omitted.
Let’s continue with another example on the “seriousness” status.
.data = demo,
vf = "serious"
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#> var level value n_avail
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 serious FALSE 181/747 (24%) 747
#> 2 serious TRUE 566/747 (76%) 747
The “serious” variable takes the values TRUE/FALSE, and not 1/0, but it is interpreted in the same way (it is only an artifact of construction).
Thus, 566 cases are considered serious, out of 747 where the information is available.
You can export to run plotting or other formatting functions, with
argument export_raw_values
What if the available categories do not match our final needs?
In the example on age, there is only one patient under 18 years old, and few patients under 45 years old. We would like to group all this data into a single line for a summary.
The solution is to create the variable with the desired levels upstream, in a data management step.
demo <-
demo |>
age2 = cut(as.integer(AgeGroup),
breaks = c(0, 6, 7, 8),
include.lowest = TRUE, right = TRUE,
labels = c("<64", "65-74", "75+"))
vf = "age2"
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#> var level value n_avail
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 age2 <64 217/499 (43%) 499
#> 2 age2 65-74 174/499 (35%) 499
#> 3 age2 75+ 108/499 (22%) 499
The same is true for columns like “year”.
When studying the “year” column, it is common to get an error message
.data = demo,
vf = "year"
#> # A tibble: 13 × 4
#> var level value n_avail
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 year 2011 " 1/750 (0%) " 750
#> 2 year 2012 " 1/750 (0%) " 750
#> 3 year 2013 " 2/750 (0%) " 750
#> 4 year 2014 "10/750 (1%) " 750
#> 5 year 2015 " 8/750 (1%) " 750
#> 6 year 2016 "15/750 (2%) " 750
#> 7 year 2017 "116/750 (15%)" 750
#> 8 year 2018 "150/750 (20%)" 750
#> 9 year 2019 "116/750 (15%)" 750
#> 10 year 2020 "72/750 (10%)" 750
#> 11 year 2021 "99/750 (13%)" 750
#> 12 year 2022 "119/750 (16%)" 750
#> 13 year 2023 "41/750 (5%) " 750
The error message “Too many levels detected in year” is intentional,
to avoid passing continuous variables in the vf
The maximum number of categories that can be taken by a variable
treated by desc_facvar
is controlled by the
If a variable has more than ncat_max
different levels,
the function stops.
We can therefore solve this problem by adjusting the value of this parameter.
.data = demo,
vf = "year",
ncat_max = 20
#> # A tibble: 13 × 4
#> var level value n_avail
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 year 2011 " 1/750 (0%) " 750
#> 2 year 2012 " 1/750 (0%) " 750
#> 3 year 2013 " 2/750 (0%) " 750
#> 4 year 2014 "10/750 (1%) " 750
#> 5 year 2015 " 8/750 (1%) " 750
#> 6 year 2016 "15/750 (2%) " 750
#> 7 year 2017 "116/750 (15%)" 750
#> 8 year 2018 "150/750 (20%)" 750
#> 9 year 2019 "116/750 (15%)" 750
#> 10 year 2020 "72/750 (10%)" 750
#> 11 year 2021 "99/750 (13%)" 750
#> 12 year 2022 "119/750 (16%)" 750
#> 13 year 2023 "41/750 (5%) " 750
This allows to review the main years, but will be less transposable in a final table of a manuscript. A categorization of the reporting years may be more informative.
Levels of some variables are indicated by numbers.
.data = demo,
vf = "Region"
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#> var level value n_avail
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 Region 1 " 1/750 (0%) " 750
#> 2 Region 2 "389/750 (52%)" 750
#> 3 Region 3 "17/750 (2%) " 750
#> 4 Region 4 "276/750 (37%)" 750
#> 5 Region 5 " 6/750 (1%) " 750
#> 6 Region 6 "61/750 (8%) " 750
We know that 389 cases come from Region “2”, without being able to say which geographical area this region belongs to.
To obtain the correspondence, there are external tables, such as this one for the Region: (they can be found in the subsidiary tables of vigibase).
Code | Label |
1 | African Region |
2 | Region of the Americas |
3 | South-East Asia Region |
4 | European Region |
5 | Eastern Mediterranean Region |
6 | Western Pacific Region |
Several options are possible to bring the information back directly into demo, the simplest is to use factors
demo <-
demo |>
Region = factor(Region, levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"))
levels(demo$Region) <-
c("African Region",
"Region of the Americas",
"South-East Asia Region",
"European Region",
"Eastern Mediterranean Region",
"Western Pacific Region"
Note the transformation in two steps. The first to sort the levels of the variable, the second to assign the labels to its levels. This sequence is necessary to avoid a random sorting of levels.
This transformation has the effect of modifying the result of
.data = demo,
vf = "Region"
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#> var level value n_avail
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 Region African Region " 1/750 (0%) " 750
#> 2 Region Region of the Americas "389/750 (52%)" 750
#> 3 Region South-East Asia Region "17/750 (2%) " 750
#> 4 Region European Region "276/750 (37%)" 750
#> 5 Region Eastern Mediterranean Region " 6/750 (1%) " 750
#> 6 Region Western Pacific Region "61/750 (8%) " 750
The two other variables mainly affected by this phenomenon are
and type_reporter
. The transformation
code is found in vignette("template_main.R")
Three other arguments allow to control the output format of the results.
is a character string that must necessarily
contain the values n
, N
.This argument allows to customize the way the result is displayed. For example, if you want to put the percentage in brackets instead of parentheses
.data = demo,
vf = "nivolumab",
format = "n_/N_ [pc_%]"
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#> var level value n_avail
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 nivolumab 0 525/750 [70%] 750
#> 2 nivolumab 1 225/750 [30%] 750
You can also change all other elements of this argument.
allows to center the results in the middle
of a character string. If you have particularly high numbers, you can
increase the value of this parameter, so that your results remain well
controls the number of digits after the
decimal point for the percentage. Warning, it is not
guaranteed that the sum will be exactly 100%.
let you screen the most drugs reported in
a drug
dataset, sorted by frequency.
screen_drug(drug, mp_data = mp, top_n = 5)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#> `Drug name` DrecNo N percentage
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 pembrolizumab 20116296 298 39.7
#> 2 nivolumab 111841511 225 30
#> 3 ipilimumab 133138448 86 11.5
#> 4 atezolizumab 112765189 69 9.2
#> 5 durvalumab 125456180 68 9.07
Most of the time, you will have filtered the drug
upstream, with some add_*
function, allowing to focus on a
subset of cases (of a specific drug, adr, or any set of these)
For example, identify colitis cases and screen drugs under this reaction.
drug |>
adr_data = adr
) |>
filter(a_colitis == 1) |>
mp_data = mp, top_n = 5
#> ℹ `.data` detected as `drug` table.
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#> `Drug name` DrecNo N percentage
#> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 nivolumab 111841511 44 42.3
#> 2 pembrolizumab 20116296 40 38.5
#> 3 ipilimumab 133138448 20 19.2
#> 4 <NA> 73636724 14 13.5
#> 5 <NA> 34178924 13 12.5
let you screen the most frequent reactions
reported in an adr
dataset, sorted by frequency.
screen_adr(adr_, meddra = meddra_)
#> term n percentage
#> <char> <int> <num>
#> 1: <NA> 678 90.4000000
#> 2: Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders 110 14.6666667
#> 3: Gastrointestinal disorders 104 13.8666667
#> 4: Vascular disorders 9 1.2000000
#> 5: Immune system disorders 6 0.8000000
#> 6: Hepatobiliary disorders 5 0.6666667
#> 7: Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders 1 0.1333333
Different term levels can be used, according to meddra, with argument
Most of the time, you will have filtered the adr
upstream, with some add_*
function, allowing to focus on a
subset of cases (of a specific drug, adr, or any set of these).
The adr table contains information on the evolution of adverse events.
The possible outcomes (column Outcome
) are
The adr structure is as follows
UMCReportId | Adr_Id | Outcome |
1 | a_1 | 1 |
1 | a_2 | 2 |
2 | a_3 | 3 |
2 | a_4 | 1 |
A case, identified by its UMCReportId, may have several adverse events (Adr_Id) with different outcomes. Summarizing this information requires prioritization.
The logic is as follows: take the ” worst evolution” possible for each event of each case, in order to count each event only once for each case.
In order to filter cases according to a drug exposition, it is necessary to join the drug data to the adr table.
and add_adr()
can be used on
adr <-
adr |>
d_code = d_drecno,
drug_data = drug
#> ℹ `.data` detected as `adr` table.
adr <-
adr |>
a_code = a_llt,
adr_data = adr
#> ℹ `.data` detected as `adr` table.
This allows to identify drugs and adverse events of interest in the adr table.
Drugs are identified at the case level in this table.
functionThe desc_outcome
function prioritizes data according to
the rule:
Take the “worst evolution” possible for each event of each case, in order to count each event only once for each case.
adr |>
drug_s = "nivolumab",
adr_s = "a_colitis"
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#> drug_s adr_s n_cas out_label
#> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> 1 nivolumab a_colitis 10 Unknown
#> 2 nivolumab a_colitis 25 Recovered/resolved
#> 3 nivolumab a_colitis 6 Recovering/resolving
#> 4 nivolumab a_colitis 1 Not recovered/not resolved
#> 5 nivolumab a_colitis 2 Fatal
In the case where adr
was previously filtered to contain
only data of a specific adverse drug reaction (for example, with
), it is still preferable to recreate the drug
column with add_drug
(it will take the value 1 for all
The link table, as created with tb_vigibase()
, contains
additional information than the original link table.
It is augmented with
the case idtto_mean
the average of TimeToOnsetMin, and
TimeToOnsetMax, in daysrange
the half-difference between TimeToOnsetMin and
TimeToOnsetMax, in daysThese additional variables are useful to compute the time from drug initiation to adverse drug reaction onset, and also to compute dechallenge and rechallenge data at case level.
The link table studies the relationship of each drug - adverse event pair, within the reports. There are therefore several lines in link for each line (case) in demo.
table example
UMCReportId | Other data (age, sexe…) |
1 | 65-74, Man |
2 | 65-74, Woman |
3 | 45-64, Woman |
The corresponding link
table would be
UMCReportId | Drug_Id | Adr_Id | Time to onset |
1 | 1_1 | 1_a | 60 |
1 | 1_2 | 1_a | 30 |
1 | 1_1 | 1_b | 45 |
1 | 1_2 | 1_b | 15 |
2 | |||
2 | |||
3 | |||
3 | |||
3 |
Let’s take a while to read data related to the case no 1, in the previous example.
It contains two different Drug_Id 1_1
: this means that this case has two different drugs.
Most of the time, it is two different drugs (let’s say, paracetamol and
ibuprofen for this example). It can also be the same drug, with
different administration modalities (paracetamol with two dosages, or at
two different times).
It contains two different Adr_Id 1_a
: this means that this case has two different adverse
events. Mostly, it refers to two different events (e.g. hepatitis and
Information are available for each combination. The time to onset, i.e. the delay between drug initiation and event onset is displayed for each combination
The reading is as follows:
The hepatitis (1_a
) occurred 60 days after the
introduction of paracetamol (1_1
), and 30 days after the
introduction of ibuprofen (1_2
The hemorrhage (1_b
) occurred 45 days after the
introduction of paracetamol (1_1
), and 15 days after the
introduction of ibuprofen (1_2
In this relatively simple example, everything is coherent: we observe that paracetamol and ibuprofen were introduced 30 days apart from each other.
The reality is often more complex: as previously announced, there may
be several lines in link
for the same drug, with different
time to onset.
In this case, it is important to decide how to handle this multiple information.
For example, we could have a time to onset at 30 days for paracetamol taken at 500mg daily, and a time to onset at 15 days for paracetamol taken at 1000mg daily.
As for the demo
and adr
tables, the
table must be completed with drug and adr columns,
using the add_*
family functions.
link <-
link |>
d_code = d_drecno,
drug_data = drug
#> ℹ `.data` detected as `link` table.
link <-
link |>
a_code = a_llt,
adr_data = adr
#> ℹ `.data` detected as `link` table.
Counts check
link |>
cols = c(names(d_drecno), names(a_llt))
#> [,1]
#> ipilimumab 267
#> atezolizumab 189
#> durvalumab 166
#> nivolumab 1347
#> pembrolizumab 1819
#> avelumab 83
#> cemiplimab 38
#> tremelimumab 35
#> a_embolism 38
#> a_colitis 314
#> a_pneumonitis 238
!! Warning!!, counts correspond to the number of
lines for each drug and each effect. It is not the number of reports
containing each drug or each effect. If you want to obtain this
information, you must query the demo
The time to onset information is contained in two variables in the
table: TimeToOnsetMin
. These two variables reflect the minimum and
maximum delay of the adverse event occurrence compared to the drug
intake, taking into account the uncertainty of the input data.
UMCReportId | Drug_Id | Adr_Id | TimeToOnsetMin | TimeToOnsetMax |
1 | 1_1 | 1_a | 45 | 75 |
Here, hepatitis occurred between 45 and 75 days after first paracetamol intake.
This structure is inherited of the incertitude from the source reporter or the case. This case would correspond to data like: “Hepatitis occurred 2months after paracetamol introduction”.
This sentence contains an imprecision on the exact delay of occurrence: what was the exact day of the month? Was it 1 month and 15 days? Or 2 months and 15 days? More? It is impossible to decide.
By convention, we consider that the true time to onset is +/- 15 days from the indicated date (here, between 60 - 15 = 45 days, and 60 + 15 = 75 days).
Two parameters are derived from this information: the mean time to
onset tto_mean
and the range
. The calculation
is as follows:
tto_mean = (TimeToOnsetMax + TimeToOnsetMin) / 2
range = (TimeToOnsetMax + TimeToOnsetMin) / 2 - TimeToOnsetMin
UMCReportId | Drug_Id | Adr_Id | TimeToOnsetMin | TimeToOnsetMax | tto_mean | range |
1 | 1_1 | 1_a | 45 | 75 | 60 | 30 |
The tto_mean
is intuitive: it is the average delay
between the two available values. In our example, we find 60 days, which
is the delay indicated by the reporter.
The range
gives the uncertainty: 30 days in our example,
meaning that we cannot be more precise than 30 days.
The Uppsala Monitoring Centre recommendation is to use only the time to onset whose range is <= 1, i.e. the cases where the date is known to the day.
Note: the information on hours and minutes is also present in the time to onset, if known.
If we keep on the example of hepatitis, we could have a time to onset at 30 days for paracetamol taken at 500mg daily, and a time to onset at 15 days for paracetamol taken at 1000mg daily.
In this case, it is important to decide how to handle this multiple
information. Otherwise, we would have two different
values for the paracetamol - hepatitis pair.
There is a need for an arbitrary rule to synthetize these data. Our habit is to take the longest delay between the drug introduction and the event occurrence (i.e. the delay between the first drug intake and the event). Admittedly, this may not meet all needs.
This information, that we call tto_max
, is obtained with
.data = link,
drug_s = "nivolumab",
adr_s = "a_colitis"
#> UMCReportId tto_max adr_s drug_s
#> 1 108846594 205 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 2 73027866 175 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 3 87966085 36 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 4 88371745 740 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 5 138643678 379 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 6 39936658 99 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 7 140765885 5 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 8 11372968 62 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 9 63102481 57 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 10 34209616 8 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 11 21293261 59 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 12 58329610 541 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 13 38269558 393 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 14 85691581 490 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 15 112663221 7 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 16 109716692 37 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 17 56986472 47 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 18 76401465 390 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 19 125056616 18 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 20 33942691 36 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 21 133088642 23 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 22 143881598 113 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 23 79620779 85 a_colitis nivolumab
#> 24 95759941 59 a_colitis nivolumab
The tto_max
is the longest delay between the drug
introduction and the event occurrence. There is only one line for each
drug - adr pair.
This information can be used for a graphical representation, or to
derive an average, a range… The second option is possible in many ways,
notably with desc_tto()
.data = link,
drug_s = "nivolumab",
adr_s = "a_colitis"
#> drug_s adr_s var level value n_avail
#> 1 nivolumab a_colitis tto_max <NA> 60.5 (36.0-248.5) [5.0-740.0] 24
Several drugs and reactions can be queried in these two functions.
.data = link,
drug_s = c("nivolumab", "pembrolizumab"),
adr_s = c("a_colitis", "a_pneumonitis")
#> drug_s adr_s var level value
#> 1 nivolumab a_colitis tto_max <NA> 60.5 (36.0-248.5) [5.0-740.0]
#> 2 pembrolizumab a_colitis tto_max <NA> 44.0 (18.5-112.5) [1.0-1,207.0]
#> 3 nivolumab a_pneumonitis tto_max <NA> 75.0 (49.8-167.0) [18.0-602.0]
#> 4 pembrolizumab a_pneumonitis tto_max <NA> 52.0 (21.0-101.0) [0.0-1,050.0]
#> n_avail
#> 1 24
#> 2 15
#> 3 22
#> 4 17
synthesizes the number of positive
A positive dechallenge occurs when the drug has been stopped or its dosage has been reduced, and the reaction has abatted.
Description span from rechallenge cases to informative rechallenge cases (those cases where the outcome is known). Drug and Adr identifiers refer to DrecNo and MedDRA_Id, respectively. Terminology
as opposed to rch
rechallenged (rch
+ no_rch
Among rch
, inf
(informative) as opposed
to non_inf
+ non_inf
Among inf
, rec
(recurring) as opposed
to non_rec
+ non_rec
drug_s = "nivolumab",
adr_s = "a_colitis"
#> drug_s adr_s n_overall n_rch n_inf n_rec
#> <char> <char> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1: nivolumab a_colitis 44 26 19 12
The number of cases is counted at the case level.
As with desc_tto()
and desc_dch()
, you can
query several drug - adr pairs at once.
Columns passed to arguments
can correspond to sets of drugs or events, or even identify all cases present in your dataset.
Let’s say we want to know the number of positive rechallenge cases for our entire dataset
We must create a variable that takes the value 1 for all cases.
We a particular syntax, we can access the information